Institution Benefits

  • Tax Exemption - All expenses related to prestigious World Skill Council certification process are fully exempted from Tax under Staff welfare activities.
  • International Standard Certification ISO 9001:2015 will be given to Institution after doing assessment. more
  • All students skills are assessed and certified by Prestigious World Skill Council, which will be helpful for their career Development and will bring more numbers of students to the Institution.
  • All teaching and Non-teaching staff become assessed and Certified employees.
  • WSC career development certificate comes with Institution Name and address
  • It is great Staff welfare activity. Employees will be motivated. Quality of the Institution will be increased.
  • Institution image will be enhanced due to ISO Certification and certified employees.
  • Institution can announce as all staff and student are certified by prestigious World Skill Council, and ISO Certification in all promotional Materials.
  • Providing WSC certificate to Teaching and Non- Teaching staff which stops frequent resignation.
  • International Performance Grading Index (IPGI AWARD)- Based on the skill levels of staff, working environment, Class room standards and other over all internal parameters, International Performance Grading Index Award will be provided to Institution’s Head in New Delhi / London, UK from WSCS A, A+, AA, AA+, AAA, AAA+ Grade which will attract more number of students.