World Records
How it Works
- Decide in which field you are going to make world Record
- Check previous achievements of others across the world through Google.
- Then Download application and apply with processing Fee Rs.10,000/-
- When you are making world Record, Minimum two people to be with you for assessment from the following list.
- Police Inspector
- High School Head Master
- College Principal
- Town Panchayat President
- Thasildar
- Sub Registrar
- World Record making video to be Minimum 5 Minutes
- Both assessment officers and World record Maker should explain their identity with Govt ID card in Video .
- The video is to be continuous without any cut or Edit
- After Making World Record, Send Video via what’s app to WSC official Mobile Number
- After verification, World Skill Council will recognise the World Record and World Record Certificate (PDF) and World Record ID Card (Hard copy) will be issued within 48 Hours. It can be verified and downloaded anytime from website. Original Certificate will be given in the next World Skill Council Convocation Ceremony.