How it Works - Learn Skills

  1. Sign up your account with Login
  2. Decide which Certified professional course, you are going to join.
  3. Remit fee and join.
  4. Total number of topics are based on the course.
  5. Two topics will be open per week.
  6. Weekly test report will be available in your login after examination.But Examination is not Mandatory.
  7. Maximum duration of any course is 90 days or 12 weeks.
  8. Your digital Id Card is also available in your login you can print in synthetic card.
  9. After completion of course, prestigious World Skill Council, Digital certificate will be available in your login. You can print in 300 GSM Art Board.
  10. After completion of the course, You will become eligible for prestigious World Skill Council convocation.
    If you are interested, You can participate in the convocation and get Prestigious World Skill Council original certificate after paying necessary fee.
  11. You can get attestation on World Skill Council Certificate from various government authorities through
     WSC Global Central Office New Delhi, for worldwide employment opportunities.
     (Mobile and Whats app:+91-90940 39909, E-Mail: )
  12. Any assistance, please e mail to